The big deal is, according to the National Association of Realtors, that over 92% of buyers begin their home search online. As a professional hired to market property, this is a HUGE deal. I believe in my sellers. They are the reason why we’ve carefully crafted our web optimization, photo presentation, single property websites, video and most recently we’ve added 3D showcasing. Virtual Tours have been around for over a decade now, usually in some form of photos with music, possibly (if it was really fancy) a panoramic view of the rooms, or in rare cases maybe a floor plan. Buyers want to see more than just photos. We are delivering!

I now partner with Matterport 3D for a unique and advanced way to showcase YOUR property online to any buyer. They get a real life 3D virtual tour effect. So . . . my buyer/seller experience just got really serious – because Matterport captures the colors and contours of a home creating a literal walk through of the property in 3D. Easy to locate and simple to navigate, this special technology allows anyone with a web browser to follow the link and see the entire floor plan in 3D. Click on any rooms within view and voila!– you’re inside the home. Use your mouse to follow along the circles on the floor and walk right through. 360 degree views throughout, walk up stairs, check out the closets, see that kitchen from any viewpoint!  In a short walk through with our 3D platform buyers will have more information about the home than any amount of photos could produce!

The Jon Modene Team promises and delivers a tradition of trust and excellence. Jon has always been an agent of change – introducing web marketing, personal marketing, buyers agency, and fighting for the rights of buyers and sellers to not suffer with dual agency. As the owner of RE/MAX Masters he is as hard working an agent as you can find. As a sales leader year after year, he delivers for his clients. Respected. Imitated. But never surpassed – he builds value for his clients and gets maximum results.

The Jon Modene Team offers unparalleled service to ALL clients in the Toledo Ohio real estate market. Your complete satisfaction with our service and representation is our number one priority.